The science behind breathwork is that when you alter your breathing patterns (yes, it’s more than just a slow inhale), you’re activating your parasympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for rest and relaxation, so it’s kind of like flipping a switch in your body that allows you to release tension. And while the basics of breathwork are pretty accessible, the new wave (Breathwork 2.0) takes it a step further by combining sound, movement, and even emotional release.
In a typical session, you’re guided through a series of deep, rhythmic breaths designed to oxygenate the body and help stimulate energy flow. The screaming, shouting, or tapping comes in when your facilitator encourages you to let go of whatever has been stored in your body – be it stress, sadness, frustration, or anything else that’s been festering beneath the surface. The theory is that by physically expressing yourself in this way, you release emotional blockages and reset your energy.