This is where Taylor Swift songs come in handy once again. Sure, no relationship is truly devoid of drama, but if your love life has more highs and lows than a rollercoaster, you might want to reconsider whether you truly want to tolerate them.
An instant connection
The spiritual idea behind this is that our soul and our partner’s knew each other “before” we entered this life, and we can feel the connection when we meet them on Earth as we recognise our paths have crossed before.
Phrases like “you consume me” and “you occupy my every thought and feeling” might seem romantic on TV, but they’re actually… a huge red flag! Healthy partnerships should teach us how to stand on our own two feet, not to need someone else to complete us.
Constant worrying about how it will end, never feeling settled
Unstable relationships bring forth an incredible amount of anxiety, which in turn can make us feel like we never know what the next steps could be and we never see the light at the end of the tunnel of a more traditional “happy ending.” If we’re missing a steady foundation, it’s going to be impossible to build on it.
If you never quite feel like you have solid ground beneath your feet, you’ll more than likely be fighting off feelings of jealousy and envy, as well as possessiveness and controlling dynamics. Sometimes, like with codependency, this can turn into a proper obsession, and it’s a sign that something in the relationship is not quite working.
Miscommunication, frequent arguments
Push, pull, on, off, then do it all again. It’s all a big misunderstanding, but each time you barely have time to clear before the spark of the next fight sets off. But why can you just not see eye to eye? Well, it’s because karmic relationships are supposed to bring out the worst in us, exactly so that we can heal it.