1. Get Clear On What You Want and Check-In With Yourself Regularly
Before engaging in any kind of casual relationship it’s important to get clear on what you’re looking for from your romantic/sex life. As you engage in casual relationships, continue to check in with yourself regularly and see if your needs have changed and if the situations you’re in are giving you what you desire.
2. Be An Honest and Open Communicator
Having good communication is an integral part of being in casual relationships. So, make sure you’re constantly practising clear and honest communication with your partner(s) to ensure feelings don’t get hurt and expectations and boundaries are clear.
3. Set Boundaries and Expectations, Then Stick To Them
If you’re only wanting to engage in casual sex with someone, don’t tell them how much you’d love to go away with them to visit your family or take them on a weekly date night. Whatever type of casual situation you’re in, you need to set your boundaries and expectations with each partner and stick to them - this will help to reduce the likelihood of lines being blurred and minimise the likelihood of feelings being hurt.
4. Use Protection, Contraceptives, and Get STD Checks
Sexual wellness is incredibly important in casual relationships (as well as long-term committed ones of course), so make sure you are using protection, contraceptives, and getting regular STD checks to stay safe!
5. Embrace Your Choices And Always Be Kind
There may be people that cast criticism on casual relationships, and you simply need to not give your energy to them. Do whatever you want (consensually and respectfully, of course) and live a life that makes you happy. What you want in your life is up to you, so embrace it, say bye to the haters, and have fun!