You are going to spend your entire life, as you. Whilst people around you might come and go, the places you visit or live in may change, and the experiences you go through will differ, there’s only one you, and you will be you, forever.
As much as we change (and change is the best, it means you’re growing!), you will always remain as you are, and therefore, isn’t it clear that you should love, respect, and care for yourself? After all, don’t we want to love who we are if we’re always going to be the constant in our lives?
Whilst it might sound odd thinking of yourself as if you’re an external person, it can actually be incredibly useful when it comes to manifesting self-love: stick with me here! If you treated yourself as if you were someone that you truly loved, straight away, you would probably change a lot of things you’re currently doing and alter the way that you treat yourself.
The crux is that we are so willing and eager to show love to others, but we often find it difficult to show it to ourselves. However, it’s the most important and impactful type of love we can show.
When you’re radiating in self-love, you’re not only likely to have a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life, but people around you and those you come into contact with will be able to feel that you love yourself and will therefore treat you as you deserve to be treated (you’re setting the bar for the way you want to be treated by setting your own standard and leading the way).
So, if self-love improves your own confidence, happiness, and health, whilst also bringing better people, opportunities, and relationships to your life, it’s clear that you can’t even doubt for a second that self-love is important.